Enter Early Poptropica
Go right to Early Poptropica
Keep On going right till you see a well, go down there
Go Down
Jump all the way down the water (very bottom)
Do you see the guy in the swimsuit and snorkel, go to the block where he is
Jump the the left moving block, and onto the next block with the fire torch next to it
Then, jump to the green balance block NEXT to the one your standing on
Then, jump on the balance green block to the left
On that, jump on the regular block left to it with the rope next to it, go up the rope
Drop down the rope, and make a few jumps to the glowstick (get the glowstick)
Get out of the well
Go back to the main street
The second you got out the hot air ballon, there's a well under you.
Go down the well
Go down the rope
See all those blocks, use any one to get down to the big green spider
At the very end right of the spider, there's the prized porker pig, get it
Then, go left to the little hole
Go left till you see the rope, go up the rope and drop to the right, keep on going right till you hit the wall, go up the rope. Drop to the left and walk left to the end and go up the rope, drop the the left, keep walkleft and get the golden egg
Get out the well (just do the maze backwards the way I told you)
Now, go left to the Poptropica Towers once you got out the well
Jump up the the nearest window on the Peachy-Colored building
Keep on jumping windows for you to get the the top of the building
Jump far the the left to get to the next top building
Keep on doing that until you get to the purple building with the vine, go up the vine
Go up, and walk right
You will see the giant, talk to him and givehim your golden egg
He will lift his club, go right
Go over the gardening tools and get the water bucket
Go right
Go over the space items and get the jetpack
Put on the jet pack and go to the gardening tools
Go under the long stem in the bucket and over the small giant shovel
Go down the exit and get the flag
Go back to Early Poptropica
Return eveything to the people(just click on all the people, I'm in a hurry on telling you)
Gp right and click on the guy on the ship
You've finished the mission!
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